The idea of men about the ideal sexual instrument and the main evidence of male splendor does not fit the penis, which at some point "turned the wrong way." And, despite the fact that the curvature of the penis is quite common, it is worth taking this defect not as a sentence, but as an unconditional command for action. Moreover, a purposeful man is quite capable of helping himself on his own and even at home.
1) Curvature of the penis: stages, problems, statistics
All About Penis Anatomy Defects
Since, unfortunately, there is no axial frame in the male penis, any careless handling of it can have unpleasant consequences.
A few sad numbers
A study of the incidence of protein buildup on the penis, conducted in Germany, which is the first symptom of a destructive change, registers 3.2% of the total number of respondents to the sent out questionnaire. At the same time, there is a tendency for the increase in symptoms with age: in the age range of 30-39 years, such cases are only 1.5%, in the age range 60-69 - 4%.
Australian urologists presented their data in 2018 , which shows 19% of men in need of penile curvature therapy of the total number of respondents. In addition, it contains statistics on changes in the quality of life and sexual activity of men in the presence of defects in the anatomy of the penis:
• 20% noted problems during intercourse;
• 26% worried about the appearance of the penis;
• every sixth respondent noted pain and discomfort in the penis during erection.
Types of curvature
All destructive changes in the penis by the nature of their occurrence are divided into congenital and acquired. Congenital pathologies include genetic disorders. Acquired - the consequences of injuries and Peyronie's disease.
A penis that has defects due to Peyronie's disease is characterized not only by a change in direction, but also by the presence of seals associated with protein deposits that form fibrous growths.
Stages of destructive changes
The curvature stages are divided into three degrees:
• light - the angle of curvature does not exceed 30 degrees, the size of the plaque in diameter is no more than 2 cm;
• medium - the angle of curvature in the range from 30 to 60 degrees, the size of the plaque in diameter from 2 to 4 cm;
• severe - the angle of curvature is more than 60 degrees, the size of the plaque in diameter exceeds 4 cm.
Potential Effects on Sexual Function
In addition to palpable tubercles and heterogeneous structure, Peyronie's disease can be diagnosed with :
• pain during erection or urination;
• sexual dysfunction;
• inability to engage in penetrative intercourse.
This is due to the fact that protein formations are localized not only in the subcutaneous part of the penis, but also in its internal structures, including in the erectile tissues and in the vicinity of the urethra.
2) Penis traction - how the penis straightening technology works
Penis traction - safe straightening technology
Traction therapy , which is recommended for mild to moderate curvature, is a minimally invasive, that is, without risk of injury, method of curvature correction. Due to this, it is actively used not only within the walls of clinics, but also at home.
The essence of the method is to create tensile stress at the site of localization of the protein formation, which becomes the site of the break. For this, a special orthopedic device is used - an extender or a straightener.
The device is fixed on the penis and with the help of a mechanism stretches it at the site of the lesion. At the same time, the force of the impact ensures the rupture of cells, which in turn stimulates not only the processes of regeneration (healing), but also increased blood circulation. Thus, constantly alternating cell breaks and their filling with new layers of cells, accompanied by active blood circulation at the site of the break.
As a result of the body's reaction, protein formations, torn apart by tension and new layers of cells, lose their density and source of nutrition, since microcirculation switches to supplying newly formed layers of cells. Regular use of extenders with mild to moderate curvature can completely eliminate defects without surgery.
Also, traction therapy as an auxiliary method is used in the postoperative period with a high degree of curvature or other changes in the anatomy of the penis. Its purpose is to prevent tissue scarring and loss of penis length.
3) Review of the best devices : Sizgenetics, Quick Extender Pro, Phallosan Forte, Penimaster Chrome
4 devices with proven performance
Sizgenetics - special offer
The manufacturer has made sure that users can choose the perfect solution to their problem. For curvature therapy, a special Peyronie's Disease Home Treatment package has been assembled.
Sizgenetics is a universal bar straightener, the design of which allows the user to independently choose the fastening method - a wide strap or a classic loop. Maximum thrust - 2800 g.
Quick Extender Pro - Dual Control
New generation of loop extenders with double fastening made of silicone loops that ensure uniform tension, and calibrated springs with traction force up to 4000 g.
A special Penile Curvature Correction Edition package is provided, which includes an expanded set of extensions and consumables for a complete course of therapy.
Phallosan Forte - the benefits of vacuum
The device has an essential distinctive feature - attachment using a vacuum chamber, which is put on the head of the penis and is fixed by creating a pressure difference. Stretching occurs by means of an elastic strap that is attached to the top of the camera.
To correct the curvature, such a device has a significant advantage, since it provides a multidirectional tension. An elastic strap can be attached not only to the waist, but also to the hip or shoulder, more precisely localizing the place of load. Also, the device has a pulling force - 4800 g.
Penimaster Chrome - German quality
Despite the classic device, the presence of bars and a wide strap for attaching to the penis, the anatomical conformity of the device makes it indispensable for traction therapy. Plastic elements are fiberglass reinforced for a lifetime warranty. With a small traction force - up to 1150 g, there is a fine adjustment - 5 positions of the regulator. Therefore, this device provides gentle tension and is suitable for those who use a straightener for the first time.
4) How to use?
Several recommendations for effective therapy
For a positive effect, you must adhere to two principles - consistency and regularity. Also, in order not to harm yourself with a hasty increase in the load, all manufacturers recommend going through an adaptation period. That is, it is imperative to start with the minimum parameters of the tension force and training time, which should be increased gradually with each subsequent training.
The total duration of wearing the device is different for each model: vacuum extenders can be worn for up to 10 hours, strap and loop extenders - no more than 6. You can take breaks during your workout. At the initial stage, there should be more of them both in number and in duration. Over time, the number of breaks should be minimized.
Daily workouts are recommended. It is also allowed to use the extender 6 times a week. The full course is from 4 to 9 months, depending on the model of the extender.
5) Frequently asked questions
Questions about safely straightening the penis
Can a straightener hurt you?
The use of the extender is completely safe as long as the user follows the instructions. It is important not to force the result with maximum pulling force.
Do I need a doctor's consultation for a purchase or a course of therapy?
No, you can purchase and use the extender yourself.
How long will it take for the first results?
The averages indicate the first visual effect at the end of the first month or two weeks after the end of the adaptive period.
What is the effectiveness of the extender?
At least 34% improvement in 3-6 months.
Is there a scientific basis for the effectiveness of extenders for the treatment of Peyronie's disease?
Yes, such data is available for review in reputable medical publications: National Library of Medicine , BJU International , American Urological Association Education and Research
6) What are the causes of penis curvature?
Factors negatively affecting the anatomy of the penis
There are no formulated exact reasons provoking the development of curvature or Peyronie's disease. Extensive research data make it possible to summarize the following negative factors:
• genetic predisposition;
• trauma to the genitals and perineum;
• diseases of the vascular system;
• tendency to form blood clots;
• lipoma;
• diabetes;
• fibromatosis;
• transferred operations.
The authors also refer to the risk group of those men who consume alcohol and do not deny themselves the habit of smoking tobacco. This is due to the negative impact of these bad habits on the vascular system.
7) When can extenders help?
Extender - a panacea or helper method
Penis straighteners are orthopedic devices for the male penis, recognized in the world urological practice. They are used as an initial stage in the treatment of curvature of the penis, regardless of the stage, to assess the feasibility of radical surgical methods of treatment. Also extenders are effective for:
• lengthening the penis as a home method;
• prevention of scars after surgery;
• method for correcting an abnormally short penis;
• ways to prevent loss of penis length after phalloplasty and other surgical interventions on the penis and perineum.
These studies prove the effectiveness of the protocol for the treatment of the acute phase of Peyronie's disease, of which traction therapy is a part, that is, the extender served as an auxiliary method. There are also well-founded claims about the effectiveness of traction therapy as the main method.
8) Conclusions: technology that works naturally and safely
Uncompromising safety: extenders that restore the anatomy of the penis
A penis straightener is a device for those who value safety much more than an imaginary quick effect. Since even one who decides to undergo an operation to excision of fibrosis will not be able to avoid traction therapy.
The availability of medical evidence of the effectiveness of this type of device, which can be found in reputable medical publications, allows men to independently decide on the purchase of an extender, without resorting to expensive, but inappropriate doctor's advice. Strict adherence to instructions and discipline of training will provide the desired result and will allow you to forget about the problem forever!